
Changzhou Liyu spring Co., Ltd

Compression spring·CUSTOMIZATION

cylindrical helical compression springcone shaped compression springwave spring

The shape of a compression spring is generally a spiral shape that can be compressed along the vertical axis of the rotating spring wire. The coil spring is the most common spring design. Under normal circumstances, the compression spring will be sleeved on the connecting rod or installed in the hole to work. When pressure is applied, The compression spring will be compressed short, and it will generate stress in the opposite direction and return to the original size. The compression spring can provide a reaction force against the linear pressure. In fact, it is recognized as one of the most effective energy storage devices.

Technical parameters of cylindrical spiral compression spring

To customize the compression spring, you need to provide the following necessary parameter information:
Wire diameter d: mm (Note: the diameter of the spring wire)
Outer diameter D2: mm (Note: the diameter of the outer circle of the spring)
Length L0: mm (Note: the free height of the spring)
Number of circles Na: circle (Note: the total number of turns of the spring)
For customized compression springs, you also need to provide the following technical requirements:
turn around: (Description: Left-handed\Right-handed)
Material requirements: (Such as: stainless steel wire SUS, carbon steel wire SWC, piano wire SWP, copper wire... etc.)
Surface treatment: (Description: blackening\galvanizing\nickel plating\chrome plating\baking paint\powder spraying\electrophoresis\shot peening\dacromet\electrolytic polishing...etc.)
End form: (Explanation: Tighten\Grind\Tightly polish)
Strength requirements: (Note: Elastic performance, other technical requirements, etc.)

Spring end characteristics

Structural Features

  • Cylindrical
  • Conical
  • Barrel
  • Hourglass
  • Closed at both ends
  • Two End opening
  • Shrink both ends
  • The ends are flat
  • The ends are not flat
  • Fixed pitch
  • Variable pitch
  • Surface treatment

  • Blackening
  • Zinc plating
  • Nickel plating
  • Shot Peening
  • Polishing
  • Dacromet
  • Apply anti-rust oil
  • Electrolytic polishing
  • Teflon spray
  • Wire diameter specifications

  • 0.1~6mm
  • Materials

  • Carbon spring steel wire SWC
  • Nickel-plated wire, galvanized wire
  • Piano wire SWPB
  • Copper wire, phosphor copper wire, beryllium copper wire
  • Stainless steel wire SUS301, SUS302, SUS304, SUS316, SUS631
  • Square wire, flat wire, semicircular wire
  • 65Mn
  • Alloy material wire
  • 82B
  • Other special specifications steel wire
  • 55CrSi (SWOSC-V)
  • compressions

  • Phone :86-519-82329557 / 82338435 Telephone :?13235185183(QQ\Wechat) 13901490575(Wechat) Email :? info@czliyu.com Skype:? liyuspring@outlook.com Address :?No.6 Houguan Road, Jincheng Town Industrial Park, Jintan District, Changzhou City
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