
Changzhou Liyu spring Co., Ltd

cone shaped compression spring·CUSTOMIZATION

The specified working conditions of the conical/tower compression spring are: the large end of the compression spring is in the hole, and the small end is on the connecting rod. Compared with the straight cylinder compression spring, the advantage of the tower compression spring is: when designed to be compressed When the pressure and height are reduced.

The two ends of the conical/tower-shaped compression spring are ground flat, and the verticality is increased in order to better reduce the compression height.

The parameters of the conical compression spring

  • d (spring wire diameter): This parameter describes the diameter of the spring wire.

  • S (Maximum Diameter of Mandrel) This parameter describes the maximum diameter of the spring shaft in industrial applications.

  • De (outer diameter of the outsole): the outer diameter of the widest end of the spring.

  • De (outer diameter of small bottom): the outer diameter of the narrowest end of the spring.

  • H (minimum aperture): This is the diameter of the minimum space required for the normal operation of the spring.

  • Lc (compressed length): The theoretical length of the spring when each coil is in contact. For most tower springs, this value is equal to the wire diameter.

  • L0 (Natural Length): The length of the spring in its natural state after being compressed once.

  • R Spring stiffness: This parameter represents the load change per unit deformation of the spring. Unit calculation: 1 DaN/mm = 10 N/mm (Newton/mm), tolerance ±15%.

  • L1 & F1 (length L1 of the spring under load F1): Load F1 and length L1 can be calculated with this formula: F1 = (L0-L1)* R, and then calculate the length L1: L1 = L0-F1/R
  • Structural Features

  • Cylindrical
  • Conical
  • Barrel
  • Hourglass
  • Closed at both ends
  • Two End opening
  • Shrink both ends
  • The ends are flat
  • The ends are not flat
  • Fixed pitch
  • < li>Variable pitch

    Surface treatment

  • Blackening
  • Zinc plating
  • Nickel plating
  • Shot Peening
  • Polishing
  • Dacromet
  • Apply anti-rust oil
  • Electrolytic polishing
  • Teflon spray
  • Wire diameter specifications

  • 0.1~6mm
  • Materials

  • Carbon spring steel wire SWC
  • Nickel-plated wire, galvanized wire
  • Piano wire SWPB
  • Copper wire, phosphor copper wire, beryllium copper wire
  • Stainless steel wire SUS301, SUS302, SUS304, SUS316, SUS631
  • Square wire, flat wire, semicircular wire
  • 65Mn
  • Alloy material wire
  • 82B
  • Other special specifications steel wire
  • 55CrSi (SWOSC-V)
  • cone shaped compression spring

  • Phone :86-519-82329557 / 82338435 Telephone :?13235185183(QQ\Wechat) 13901490575(Wechat) Email :? info@czliyu.com Skype:? liyuspring@outlook.com Address :?No.6 Houguan Road, Jincheng Town Industrial Park, Jintan District, Changzhou City
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