
Changzhou Liyu spring Co., Ltd

tension spring·CUSTOMIZATION

The tension spring can absorb and store energy, and has resistance to tension. Its initial tension is determined by the tightness of the tension spring coil. The initial tension can be adjusted to achieve the load in special applications. demand.

The tension spring is often compressed in a free position (under no load) and can have loops, hooks, holes or other geometrical components at the ends. In order for parts to stretch to the target position, they are frequently used to provide resilience.

British style hook

German style hook

To customize the tension spring, you need to provide the following necessary parameter information:
Wire diameter d: mm (Note: the diameter of the spring wire)
Outer diameter D2: mm (Note: the diameter of the outer circle of the spring)
Length with hook L0: mm (Note: the total length of the spring)
Number of circles Na: circle (Note: the total number of turns of the spring)
For customized compression springs, you also need to provide the following technical requirements:
turn around: (Description: left-handed\right-handed)
Material requirements: (Such as: stainless steel wire SUS, carbon steel wire SWC, piano wire SWP, copper wire... etc.)
Surface treatment: (Description: blackening\galvanizing\nickel plating\chrome plating\baking paint\powder spraying\electrophoresis\shot peening\dacromet\electrolytic polishing...etc.)
Pull hook form: (Description: round hook\semi-circle hook\U hook\middle ear\change hook... etc.)
Strength requirements: (Note: Elastic performance, other technical requirements, etc.)

Two ends structure

  • Straight closing
  • Short hook closing
  • Hinge closing
  • Straight twist closing
  • Curved closing
  • Double twist closing
  • Surface treatment

  • Blackening
  • Zinc plating
  • Nickel plating
  • Shot Peening
  • Polishing
  • Dacromet
  • Apply anti-rust oil
  • Electrolytic polishing
  • Teflon spray
  • Wire diameter specifications

  • 0.1~6mm
  • Materials

  • Carbon spring steel wire SWC
  • Nickel-plated wire, galvanized wire
  • Piano wire SWPB
  • Copper wire, phosphor copper wire, beryllium copper wire
  • Stainless steel wire SUS301, SUS302, SUS304, SUS316, SUS631
  • Square wire, flat wire, semicircular wire
  • 65Mn
  • Alloy material wire
  • 82B
  • Other special specifications steel wire
  • 55CrSi (SWOSC-V)
  • tension spring

  • Phone :86-519-82329557 / 82338435 Telephone :?13235185183(QQ\Wechat) 13901490575(Wechat) Email :? info@czliyu.com Skype:? liyuspring@outlook.com Address :?No.6 Houguan Road, Jincheng Town Industrial Park, Jintan District, Changzhou City
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